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黑暗騎士(2008)已經可以在iTunes上以60元租到HD,有中文字幕的影片了(按圖去看看) |
就在 iTunes Store 改成台幣計價後,現在又多了一件讓台灣消費者振奮的事情啦!蘋果突然無預警地在這幾天推出台灣版的 iTunes 音樂商店,消費者不僅可在裡面購買、租賃影片,還能購買音樂下載!
因為一切才剛開放,目前的台灣 iTunes Store 檔案還未完全齊備,許多在美國商店上架內容也不一定能完全買到,目前已經有歐美、中文、日韓音樂等,從五月天、張惠妹、周杰倫,到歐美的 LINKIN PARK、Coldplay 以及日本的 GReeeeN、Bonnie Pink 等。價格約單曲 30 元,EP 60 元、專輯 200 元左右。
其二、現在是只有iTunes上有,適用於不管是Mac OS或微軟的DOS電腦,那麼其他的智慧型裝置,如使用Android系統,有待Google加把勁,儘速研發出來。
這點必須附加說明,由於前一陣子,天龍國台北城的郝呆市長要求Google在Android系統上的Apps平台(現在叫Google Play)必須要有賞味期,可以在一周內退費,Google不從,北市開罰,此舉惹惱了Google,將Android的收費系統封閉,所以未來Google就算也提供了類似的平台,在Android系統的裝置上,台灣人仍然買不到文創商品,政策之愚蠢,莫此為甚。
Movie Signup FAQs
How do I sign up to sell my content on the iTunes Store?
To sign up to sell your content on the iTunes Store, complete the application.
What types of movies can I sell on the iTunes Store?
The iTunes Store accepts feature-length motion pictures and short films — made available to customers in 480p, 720p, or 1080p quality. How-to videos, user-generated content, and other types of videos that are not normally considered to be motion pictures or documentaries are not accepted.
Some content on the iTunes Store is intended for mature audiences and is designated as such by its MPAA rating. Viewer discretion is advised.
Please note that the iTunes Store does not accept films containing graphic sex scenes where the film's primary purpose is sexual titillation.
Movies must be provided in the language(s) of the territory you are applying to distribute in, or they must be dubbed or subtitled in the language(s) of that territory. In addition, any movie offered for distribution in a territory must comply with the ratings requirements for exhibition in that territory.
What is the difference between aggregators and encoding houses?
Aggregators offer valuable services to film distributors who want to sell content on the iTunes Store. For a fee they can format and deliver your content to Apple’s specifications and act as the primary contact with the Apple Operations team to ensure timely processing of the digital files. Apple pays the aggregator for all transactions, and the aggregator then pays the content owner.
Regardless of whether you choose to use an aggregator, all content must be encoded and delivered by an approved Apple encoding facility. The encoding facility processes the content in the Apple-specific encode that is required for distribution on the iTunes Store.
Should I sign up directly with Apple or go through an aggregator?
The majority of independent movie content offered on the iTunes Store comes through our aggregator partners, who offer valuable services to independent film distributors. Working with an aggregator is often the fastest way to offer your movies on the iTunes Store. A list of Apple-approved aggregators is available here.
If you want to apply to sell your movies on iTunes by working directly with Apple, complete the online application.
Do I need an Apple ID to sell movies on the iTunes Store?
Yes, you must have an Apple ID and a current credit card on file with the iTunes Store. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you will need to create one using iTunes. If you do not have iTunes, download it here to get started.
How much does it cost to sign up to sell my content on the iTunes Store?
Signing up to sell your content on the iTunes Store is free. More details regarding sales terms are available during the sign-up process.
Do I need a U.S. Tax ID?
Yes, we require a U.S. Tax ID as part of the iTunes Connect sign-up and authentication process. This requirement also applies to providers outside the U.S. To request a U.S. Tax ID from the IRS, click here.
Be sure to enter your U.S. Tax ID correctly when applying. If you are prompted to complete U.S. tax forms on iTunes Connect, you must use the same U.S. Tax ID.
I get an error message that the first or last name I entered does not match the name on file for the Apple ID I entered. What do I do?
Reenter your Apple ID or go to your account information on the iTunes Store and update the name on file.
I already have an iTunes Connect account to sell another media type (apps, books, music, or TV content). Can I use it to sell movie content?
If you currently have an iTunes Connect account to sell apps or books, you cannot create a second iTunes Connect account with the same Apple ID. You’ll need to set up a new Apple ID and use it to complete a separate movie application.
If you currently have an iTunes Connect account to sell music or TV content, or if you have an Apple ID that you used to apply to sell music or TV content on iTunes and the application is pending approval, you can use that Apple ID to complete the movie application.
Who should apply to sell content on the iTunes Store on behalf of my company?
Someone with signature authority should apply to sell content on the iTunes Store. Only that individual can accept the standard iTunes Store contract on iTunes Connect.
I’m being prompted to enter my legal name. Should I use my own name or my company’s name?
If you’re registered as a company, enter your legal entity name. If you’re signing up as an individual, enter your first and last names. The legal name you enter should match the name affiliated with the U.S. Tax ID and Tax ID type that you provide with your application.
How will I be notified of my application status?
You will be notified via email. Check any spam filters on your email account and make sure your account is set up to receive email from do_not_reply@apple.com.
If my application is accepted, in what countries will my movies be available?
iTunes movie providers have the option to request contracts for all regions in which the iTunes Store sells movies. Once a contract for a specific region has been finalized and all other requirements have been met, movies that have been delivered to us with territory rights cleared in that region may be made available for sale there.