
2017年7月31日 星期一





魚夫 (本名:林 奎 佑 )

筆名  魚夫

出生  1960年 雙子座

學歷 交通大學建築研究所博士班


魚腸劍譜 https://yufuhome.blogspot.com/


Line官網ID: @yufuhome

經         歷













2004-2005 年 中華電視公司執行董事

2003 年 超級電視台「魚夫報到」主持人

2002年 中天資訊台「哈拉夜新聞」節目主持人

2001年 金門太武之春電台發起人

1998~2001年 三立電視台創意總監

1997~1999年 港都電台主持人

1996年 三立電視台台灣台總監

1996年 超級電視台〈魚夫漫畫show〉主持人

1994〜1995年 TVBS新聞節目中心主任

1995年 黑白新聞周刊顧問、民眾日報主筆

1994年 台灣文化綠色和平廣播電台主持人

1993年 台灣人權協會執委

1993年 施明德立委國會辦公室主任

1988〜1994年 自立報系主筆

1987年 自立報系政經研究室副主任

1982〜1986年 中國時報專欄漫畫評論

其     他

1987年 應亞洲文化基金會赴美訪問二週

1989年 吳舜文新聞獎「漫畫類最優獎」第一屆得主

1991年 應北美洲台灣同鄉會赴美巡迴演講一個月

1992〜2004年 應各地區國代、立委、縣市長及總統候選人邀請助講百場以上

1992〜 台灣地區社會團體演講、全台各大專院校演講,講題:「從漫畫看台灣政局」、「魚夫的黑色幽默」、「台灣媒體面面觀」、「台灣的文化創意產業」

著     作

























Yu Fu (Lin Kuei-Yu)

2005- National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Currently studying a PHD degree in Architecture

2004-2005 National Chengchi University,Taipei, Taiwan
NCCU-EMBA Major: Technology and Innovation Management

Recent :

Jamar Idea Production Co., LTD., Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.jamar.com.tw" www.jamar.com.tw
Founder / CEO

Libertytimes Newspaper Co., LTD., Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.libertytimes.com.tw" www.libertytimes.com.tw
Caricaturist-special column

Taiwan News Finance Weekly Magazine, Taipei, Taiwan
Caricaturist-special column

The Great Daily News, Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.gnews.com.tw" www.gnews.com.tw
Writer-special column

Chinese Television System Co., LTD., Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.cts.com.tw" www.cts.com.tw
Executive Director & Chairman/Digital Development Committee

Year of 2004 National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.nctu.edu.tw" www.nctu.edu.tw
Acer Digital Center Evaluation Committee Member

Year of 2004 Government Information Office, Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://info.gio.gov.tw"info.gio.gov.tw
The Film Intention Story Evaluation Committee Member

Year of 2004 Kaohsiung Film Affairs Committee, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Film Affairs Committee Member

Year of 2004 Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.moea.gov.twtw" www.moea.gov.tw
Digital Video-Information Industrial Development Committee Member

Year of 2004 Taiwan Digital Television Video Association (TDTVA), Taipei, Taiwan
Alliance Guide Committee Member

Year of 2004 Digital Content Institute (DCI), Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.dci.org.tw" www.dci.org.tw
Talent Training Reviewing Committee Member

Year of 2003 Ministry of Education (MOE), Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.high.edu.tw" www.high.edu.tw
Depts.of Higher Education(Art & Design)-Training Reviewing Committee Member

Year of 2003 Kinmen Tai Wu Spring Broadcasting Station, Kinmen HYPERLINK "http://www.kinmen.gov.tw" www.kinmen.gov.tw
Founder / Promoter

Year of 2002 CTITV, Taipei, Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.ctitv.com.tw" www.ctitv.com.tw
“Harrah Night TV News Program” – Program Presenter

Year of 2002 Corporation Taiwan Digital Video Association,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.tdva.org.tw" www.tdva.org.tw

Year of 2002 Digital Video Industry Development Program,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.dvo.org.tw" www.dvo.org.tw
Committee Planning Member

Year of 2002 Government Information Office,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.gio.gov.tw" www.gio.gov.tw
The Seventh Little Sun Award - Committee Planning Member

1998-2001 Sanlih E-Television,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.settv.com.tw" www.settv.com.tw
“8PM Loud Low Voice TV Program” – Program Presenter & Creative Director

1997-1999 Best Radio FM 98.3, Kaohsiung,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.bestradio.com.tw" www.bestradio.com.tw
Broadcasting Program Presenter

Year of 1996 Sanlih E-Television,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.settv.com.tw" www.settv.com.tw
“Yufu Community Radio Station” – Program Presenter & Creative Director
“Yufu Comment Program” – Program Presenter & Creative Director
“Everyone loves Taiwan Program” – Program Presenter & Creative Director

Year of 1996 Super Television,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.supertv.com.tw" www.supertv.com.tw
“Yufu Caricature Show” – Program Presenter

1994-1995 TVBS,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.tvbs.com.tw" www.tvbs.com.tw
News Program Centre Director
“Long Live to Elect” – Program Producer & Presenter
“Hot Line of Complaint” – Program Producer & Presenter
“Rough Hot News Network” – Program Producer & Presenter

Year of 1995 Supertag Weekly Magazine,Taipei,Taiwan

Year of 1995 People Daily Newspaper,Taipei,Taiwan
Chief Editor

Year of 1994 GreenPeace Broadcasting Station,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.greenpeace.com.tw"www.greenpeace.com.tw
Taiwanese Culture Program Presenter

Year of 1993 Formosan Association for Human Rights,Taipei,Taiwan
Executive committee member

Year of 1993 Shi-Ming-Der Legislation Congress Officials,Taipei,Taiwan

1988-1994 IDN Daily Newspaper,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.idn.com.tw" www.idn.com.tw
Chief Editor

Year of 1987 IDN Daily Newspaper,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.idn.com.tw" www.idn.com.tw
Political Affairs Investigation Deputy

1982-1986 Chinatimes Newspaper,Taipei,Taiwan HYPERLINK "http://www.chinatimes.com.tw"www.chinatimes.com.tw
Caricature Commentary-special column


Year of 2003 Invited to Participate in the International Cartoon Film Show of Seoul.
Creations of Jarmar “Sun Zi : The Art of Wari”

Year of 2002 Won the First High Quality Digital Content Products Award of Taiwan
Creations of Jarmar “Zhuang Zi”

Year of 1999 The Best Presenter of Sanlih E-Television.

Election of County Municipalities Councils, Legislators,County & City Mayors, and Presidential Candidates.
Speaker of the Election Campaign Activities

Lectures in the Public Organizations, Universities and Colleges of Taiwan.

”Watch the Political Situation of Taiwan from the Caricature”

”Yufu’s Black Humour” & ”Media's Treason”

“Management of the Cultural Intention Industry”

Year of 1991 Taiwanese Americans Association, HYPERLINK "http://www.taa-usa.org" www.taa-usa.org
Show on Tour for one month in the States

Year of 1989 Wu Shen Wen News Award,
Caricature Most Excellent Award-The First Award

Year of 1987 Asian Cultural Council, HYPERLINK "http://asianculturalcouncil.org"asianculturalcouncil.org
Call on ACC for 2 weeks in the States


Year of 2002 “It’s Extremely Happy to Live”
Hong Shou Culture Publication

Year of 2000 “Yufu & Love Map of Travel”
TO’GO Publication

Year of 1999 “Yufu’s Travelling in the World in 12 Months”
Red Culture Publication

Year of 1999 “Yufu Takes you to Travel in KinMen”
Explore Culture Publication

Year of 1998 “Travelling in Taiwan with NT$ 1000”
Explore Culture Publication

Year of 1998 “King Kuo's Recipes”
Explore Culture Publication

Year of 1998 “Yufu's Black Humour”
Independent Publication

Year of 1997 “Live can be Very Yufu”
Aesthetics of Taiwan

Year of 1997 “Yufu's Caricature Show”
Imperial Crown Publication

Year of 1994 “Yufu's Intestines Sword Table - Yufu’s Comment on the Caricature”
Ker Ning Publication

Year of 1990 “It’s Boiling Hot to Make a Noise”
IDN Publishing Company

Year of 1988 “The Caricature Lifts a Curfew”
IDN Publishing Company

Year of 1988 “Caricature General Knowledge in the World”
IDN Publishing Company

Year of 1988 “History as a Mirror”
IDN Publishing Company – 1-2 Volumes

1988-1989 “Taipei China”
IDN Publishing Company – 1-5 Volumes

1986-1987 “Yufu’s Caricature Legend”
China Times Publishing Company

Year of 1987 “Discuss the Geomantic Omen by Lee Ren Kui”
China Times Publishing Company

Year of 1987 “Caricature Chinese Tang Poetry”
Chou Da Publishing Company – 1-8 Volumes

Year of 1986 “Complete Works of Geomantic Omen that Modern to Handle Official Business at Home”
Golden Maple Publication – Lee Ren Kui

Year of 1985 “The Republic of China's Assassination File”
Vertical Horizontal Publication - Yu Ren Long
