
2010年8月31日 星期二

也是鋼鐵人,Choi+Shine 建築師事務所的電塔地景藝術

冰島廣邀國際競圖,要改造他們的高壓電塔,總部於美國麻州的Choi+Shine 建築師事務所,提出了Land of Giants巨人電塔的構想,彷彿在高原上聳立著一尊尊高四十五公尺,外型雄偉的鋼鐵人,形成另類的裝置藝術,雖然外型和傳統電塔並不一樣,但成本則差價不大。


現在建築總是追求形隨功能,許多建築物顯得面無表情,這個案子在冰島因原本推動計畫的Landsnet公司中止進行,但評選委員仍因其原創性而頒以榮譽獎,最近又獲得的波士頓建築師協會 2010 波士頓建築師協會未建築獎(Boston Society of Architects Unbuilt Architecture Awards) 肯定,評選為四位得獎者之一。我很早就從網路裡得知這則消息,後來也看到「準建築人手札」也刊文介紹,我再把這個案子提出來,算是對工業標準的一種反抗吧。


TaiwanYes 上面找更多類似的相片

Project Type High-Voltage Pylon Competition
Location Iceland
Type of Client Landsnet, a public company that owns and runs the electrical transmission system in Iceland.
New or Renovation New - Pylon design competition.
Special constraints & site description The pylons were intended to be constructible, affordable and durable.
Design challenges & solutions We sought to make an iconic, unforgettable pylon, that created an identity for Iceland and the power company.
Original/Adaptation The design is original.
Innovative building components Each structure is composed of a kit of parts, minimizing construction costs.
Sustainable design elements The structure is predominantly recyclable.
Material use Steel, glass and concrete.
Completion date 2008
Others involved None
Designed by Jin Choi & Thomas Shine, Choi+Shine Architects.