
2007年12月12日 星期三


In Paju Bookcity, architect can design house wihtout hesitation, but no monumental building.

The Pajubookcity, Korea

韓國坡州市,這裡有處佔地三千畝的「坡州書城」。坡州書城可能是世界上第一個以出版業為主所建的園區,整合出版、印刷、發行、紙業、運輸、設計、著作權仲介、學術研究各種機構於一處。這個書城源起於由李起雄等為首的建出版業者,夢想創造一座出版都市,1989年的九月五日,第一次博坡州都市建設發起會議在政府和其他社會部門的支持下召開,在這群夢想家咨爾多士,為民前鋒的努力下,甚至說服了韓國總統發動公部門一起來共襄盛舉,終於,在建築學者承孝相出任建築設計總統籌後,博州書城歷經十餘年的努力,於 2003年十二月二十二日,成立了「書城文化基會」(City Culture Foundation),統領書城建設等計畫,一座烏托邦就這樣實實在在的呈現在人們的眼前了。

The Pajubookcity locat at the Korea Seoul Paju, total area: 3,000 are. Pajubookcity could be the frist theme park that founded by publishers. They have integrated including the publishing company, print industry, circulation, papermaking, transportation, design, copyright agent and academe intsitute to put together in a place. The bookcity idea comes from Lee taking the lead, dreaming to bulit a publing city. September 5, 1989 Bookcity Construction Committee Initiation Convention was held by publishers to promote the development of national culture through books and to build Bookcity under active support of the goverment and every branch of society. December 22, 2003, the City Culture Foundation was founded, an in charge of the building program. An Utopia finally appears in front of people's eye.

坡州書城在承孝相的統籌下,於原本是一大片濕地的建築地基上破土興建,但他們希望這是一座能恢復人性的都市,是一座生態的都市,甚且是建築的博覽會。 當我抵達參觀時,著實感動不已,各種後現代建築林立,除了爭奇鬥妍外,建築所創造出來的人性空間到處可見,建設並沒有破壞生態,反而到處野花、野草、野生蘆葦,包括湖裡的魚兒都有繼續生存的權力;這裡沒有「紀念碑」式的建築,沒有財大氣粗的超高層大廈,沒有建築師為了實踐個人名聲的雄偉建築怪獸,有的只是謙卑的和自然融在一起的量體罷了。 (魚夫整理)

Paju Bookcity is base on the wetlands, the natural surrounding of the Han rivers wetlands and and earby Mt. Shimhak delicately connect together and grw in this city. Greateds effort is being made to preserve the reiver stream intersecting this city and the streams resident plant and animal life.
There is no personal heroic bulinding, only humble volume melting into the enviroment.

韓國坡州市,這裡有處佔地三千畝的「坡州書城」。坡州書城可能是世界上第一個以出版業為主所建的園區,整合出版、印刷、發行、紙業、運輸、設計、著作權仲介、學術研究各種機構於一處。這個書城源起於由李起雄等為首的建出版業者,夢想創造一座出版都市,1989年的九月五日,第一次博坡州都市建設發起會議在政府和其他社會部門的支持下召開,在這群夢想家咨爾多士,為民前鋒的努力下,甚至說服了韓國總統發動公部門一起來共襄盛舉,終於,在建築學者承孝相出任建築設計總統籌後,博州書城歷經十餘年的努力,於 2003年十二月二十二日,成立了「書城文化基會」(City Culture Foundation),統領書城建設等計畫,一座烏托邦就這樣實實在在的呈現在人們的眼前了。

The Pajubookcity locat at the Korea Seoul Paju, total area: 3,000 are. Pajubookcity could be the frist theme park that founded by publishers. They have integrated including the publishing company, print industry, circulation, papermaking, transportation, design, copyright agent and academe intsitute to put together in a place. The bookcity idea comes from Lee taking the lead, dreaming to bulit a publing city. September 5, 1989 Bookcity Construction Committee Initiation Convention was held by publishers to promote the development of national culture through books and to build Bookcity under active support of the goverment and every branch of society. December 22, 2003, the City Culture Foundation was founded, an in charge of the building program. An Utopia finally appears in front of people's eye.

坡州書城在承孝相的統籌下,於原本是一大片濕地的建築地基上破土興建,但他們希望這是一座能恢復人性的都市,是一座生態的都市,甚且是建築的博覽會。當我抵達參觀時,著實感動不已,各種後現代建築林立,除了爭奇鬥妍外,建築所創造出來的人性空間到處可見,建設並沒有破壞生態,反而到處野花、野草、野生蘆葦,包括湖裡的魚兒都有繼續生存的權力;這裡沒有「紀念碑」式的建築,沒有財大氣粗的超高層大廈,沒有建築師為了實踐個人名聲的雄偉建築怪獸,有的只是謙卑的和自然融在一起的量體罷了。 (魚夫整理)

Paju Bookcity is base on the wetlands, the natural surrounding of the Han rivers wetlands and and earby Mt. Shimhak delicately connect together and grw in this city. Greateds effort is being made to preserve the reiver stream intersecting this city and the streams resident plant and animal life.
There is no personal heroic bulinding, only humble volume melting into the enviroment.






